GPTBoycott.Com is intended for informational purposes only and is intended to inform and educate. GPTBoycott.Com assumes no responsibility for other's behaviour and seeks only to guide users towards making INFORMED decisions regarding "get paid to's". GPTBoycott.Com believes that users should be well informed, therefore we strongly suggest researching additional information sources before making any decisions. All information is based on facts gathered through personal research and user submissions. GPTBoycott.Com makes no guarantee as to the accuracy, content, currency, quality, or fitness for a particular purpose, including but not limited to, "get paid to" programs, or of any of the information presented on GPTBoycott.Com. Although GPTBoycott.Com makes every attempt to ensure that the information provided is accurate, we do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for any incorrect, misleading, outdated, or missing information, resulting from the use, non-use, or mis-use of any information. Additionally, GPTBoycott.Com is not responsible for the contents of any off site page that is referenced in the documents presented herein, including but not limited to the GPTBoycott Discussion Forum.
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